Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Switzerland: Key Takeaways From the Crypto Event in Geneva

On October 9, 2018, Smile-Expo international company organized Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Switzerland – a crypto event in Geneva that has gathered 150 visitors – top professionals in the crypto segment, representatives of the major DLT-based companies, entrepreneurs and investors.
Speakers and Key Topics of the Event
The conference united 16 speakers – representatives of the leading fintech companies, such as PwC Legal Switzerland and HIT Foundation. Specialists discussed the most crucial aspects regarding the technology and legal aspects of the crypto industry.
Managing Wealth
The Founder and CEO at SwissBorg Cyrus Fazel talked about the future of financial management. He described the evolution in traditional payment system to P2P and explained the nature of ISO. More than that, the speaker talked about investment funds and customized smart wallets.
Blockchain for Government
The decentralization of government and economy was highlighted by the founder at TARCO International and – Thierry Arys Ruiz. The specialist provided explanation of how digital money challenge the monopoly in Central Banks. The expert also focused on e-voting and solutions for democracy provided by DLT.According to the specialist, existing problems can be solved in three steps: redefining the two institutional pillars of society – money and power, redefining the Financial System and moving the Society towards a Decentralised Organic Consensus (DOC).
Digitalization of Healthcare Sector
Dr. Quy Vo-Reinhard, one of the HIT Foundation establishers and the company’s CDO, analysed the health data tokenization. According to the expert, current issues of the healthcare sector can be seen in expensive transactions, complicated access to data and its inconsistency. Dr. Quy Vo-Reinhard sees the solution in decentralized data storage and smart contracts.
In her speech, she presented the positive sides of DLT implementation in the healthcare industry and elaborated on the sphere’s potential future.
Asset Tokenization
Marco Abele, the Founder and CEO of TEND Technologies AG and Abele Innovation Consulting, shared information about how assets get tokenized in modern world using the real use case.
He focused on the changes in the consumer world, compared different eras and explained how tokenization works today.
“Asset tokenization is a much bigger use case than cryptocurrency,” believes the expert. He is sure that the time has changed, asset tokenization will become big and new marketplaces will be established.
Legal Issues
Being one of the key issues regarding DLT, legal framework has also been addressed at the panel discussion. Participants included Leandro Lepori, Luigi Bruno, Aleks Bozhinov, Thierry Arys Ruiz. The discussion was moderated by Tina Balzli, Director at PwC Legal Switzerland.
Comparison of Blockchain Ecosystems
The Founder at TopOfBlockchain – Yael Tamar – explained how Israel has changed from a startup nation to the blockchain nation and compared Israeli and Swiss ecosystems.
Exhibitors and Sponsors
Event had a space for the traditional demo zone – companies have shown their latest developments in the crypto industry. One of the exhibitors – Toweco, a platform gathering reviews of brands and products.
The disruptive art community & marketplace MonArt has presented its ways to improve the creative sector.
Among the platforms which demonstrated their solutions there also was the first DLT-powered mobile operator in the world – Miracle Tele. The company has presented its DLT-based solution on how to improve the telecom industry, while its COO – Roberto Machín –shared company’s novelties during the pitch session.
Innovative lending system CoinLoan was a participant of the demo zone as well. The platform’s Business Developer Mike Rozhko also delivered a small pitch presentation.
Hotmine, which provides a new insight into mining, presented its ideas to the attendees. Moreover, the company has become the Mining 2.0 sponsor of the conference.
The bronze sponsorship has been represented by a legal firm Rechtsanwälte Lennert Partners (RLP), which offers various services to clients in several countries and provides advice for private and corporate clients regarding the financial market law.
TaaS Capital Fund was an investment partner of the event – a company enabling the easy crypto assets management.
You can see the post video on the official YouTube channel.
The conference was organized by Smile-Expo – an international company that has already held 47 crypto events in 25 countries. Next events from the Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference series will take place in Russia, Malta and the Philippines.
Events timeline can be found on the Smile-Expo website.
About the writer: Ava Lauren I write articles related to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Email me