#Binance Trading Strategy Competition - 37,000 #BNB Giveaway!
Competition period: 2018/10/18 0:00 AM to 2018/11/1 0:00 AM (UTC).
Competition Rules: All users will be ranked based on the percentage of return achieved by their trading strategies over the competition period.
The rewards structure is as follows:
Trading Strategy Competition: 27,000 BNB in total to win!
1st: 8,000 BNB
2nd: 4,000 BNB
3rd: 2,000 BNB
4th-10th: spilt 6,000 BNB
11th-50th: spilt 7,000 BNB
Lucky draw: 10,000 BNB To Win!
200 lucky Binancians will have the chance to split a pool of 10,000 BNB. Trade at least 1 BTC (Buys plus Sells) spread across any trading pairs on Binance during the competition period to be eligible for the lucky draw.
To ensure fairness of the draw, the event will be broadcasted live on multiple social media platforms to cater for all audiences.
The requirements of the Trading Strategy Competition
1) Users will need to have holdings of at least 0.1 BTC equivalent at the start of the competition (2018/10/18 0:00 AM UTC).
2) Withdrawals are not permitted during the competition period to remain eligible.
3) Deposits and referral commissions received during the competition period will not be included in the calculation. However, returns resulting from new deposits will count towards your final return calculation.
4) Equivalent BTC value is used as the unit of calculation on all amounts.
About the writer: Ava Lauren I write articles related to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Email me