Unibly Announces Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Launch for World’s First Mentoring Platform Enhanced wi

Singapore, September 2018 – As individuals and organizations race to compete in this increasingly complex global economy, the development of human capital has become an important and growing need. According to the Wall Street Journal, more than 70% of Fortune 500 companies have a mentoring program in place. In anticipation of growing market demand, Unibly has been working on a robust technology solution for both individuals and organizations to accelerate personal development through harnessing the power of positive mentoring relationships.
Established in April 2015, Unibly spent its early years building a decentralized community of mentors and mentees across the Asia region. The company has worked with various educational institutions, such as Nanyang Business School, Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and PSB Academy, as well as established corporate organizations, with the likes of Bolloré Taiwan and AustCham Hong Kong, to implement customized technology solutions.
Unlike many other ICOs on the scene, Unibly has a track record of being in operations for the past three years, with a community of more than 1,000 users and a fully functional app that is available for public download on the iOS and Android app stores.
The ICO launch serves primarily to raise funds for further development of the Unibly platform. “Besides improving the existing functionality of the app, one other major change is to enhance the existing infrastructure with blockchain technology. In so doing, we will be able to ensure transparency and traceability of past mentoring engagements, immutability of mentoring agreements, improve cost efficiency, and thus better promote mentoring to the masses,” explains John Lim, Strategy Director of Unibly.
Designed as an ERC20 utility token, the UNI Token will serve as the primary mode of payment between individual mentors and mentees in the new Unibly marketplace. The token will also lend itself to a reward system within the platform, where these virtual tokens may be collected upon the achievement of set goals or completion of certain actions, and then exchanged for real-world rewards, such as retail vouchers. This will provide tangible motivation especially for corporate users, thus increasing user engagement.
Eddie Lee, Managing Director of Unibly, comments, “More and more individuals recognize that having a positive mentoring relationship can be the key to propel themselves to greater heights in their careers. For organizations, mentoring programes are also fast becoming an integral part of their talent development strategies to facilitate leadership grooming, knowledge sharing among employees and creation of a fulfilling employee experience. There is definitely a growing demand for mentoring and the Unibly team is set to lead the way in revolutionizing how mentoring is done on the personal level as well as in a corporate setting.”
For complete information on the UNI Token ICO, please visit: https://token.unibly.com
About the writer: Ava Lauren

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