10 Companies Using and Testing Ripple’s xRapid To Power Payments With XRP

#Ripple has a long list of customers using its network, #RippleNet. The current number stands at around 120 and includes Bank of America, Credit Agricole, Mizuho Financial Group and Santander. A number of companies are also transferring #XRP as part of their business model. But how many companies are explicitly using #xRapid – the company’s real-time settlement platform that uses XRP to offer on-demand liquidity? Here’s a breakdown of 10 companies that are confirmed to be either testing or have fully implemented xRapid. XRP, the 3rd largest coin by marketcap, is up 4.48% after it's slide over the weekend and is currently trading at $0.485329. It can be bought with fiat dollars, debit, or credit cards are cryptocurrency exchanges such as CEX.io and Changelly.